
This video may just be an excuse for me to post the picture above. So, there it is.

How long could you play pinball at a tournament? Also, I hope that 24-hour event at The Sanctum gets some sort of video made for it. Like a before and after comparison where before the event everyone looks excited and charged to compete, and after the event everyone is basically dead.

Pinball HQ Marathon, August 9, 2014, IFPA endorsed tournament
Duration: SAT 11AM to SUN 1:15AM
Number of players: 52
Number of competition machines: 11
Game’s List: Elvis, Metallica, 24, Mustang, Star Trek, Getaway, Fun House, Dirty Harry, Who Dunnit, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Revenge From Mars
Number of games played in qualifying rounds: 572
Number of games played in final rounds: 64
Interstate participation: NSW, VIC, S.A. QLD, ACT
Prize Pool: $1000
Winner: Richard Rhodes (RGR)

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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