Mark from Classic Game Room reviews Nintendo’s interpretation of Pin*Bot.
See! I knew there were missiles in this game! Crazy, right? MISSILES, that try to destroy your flippers in Stage 3!
That’s messed up, Pin*Bot.
ProTip: When that strange green monster thing tries to eat your ball, you can shake the game to try to get him to cough it up.
From the video description:
Classic Game Room reviews PIN BOT for the Nintendo Entertainment System from 1988 by Rare, based on the futuristic 1986 pinball machine from Williams.
Pinbot is a super cool pinball video game based on the Pin Bot table where you open the robot’s visor, give him sight and then fly through the disco pinball dimension on your way to high scores!
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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