Just a normal Thursday night in the Bay Area.
From the video description:
A few weeks ago, Tom Pieczkolon and I went up to The Bay Area and played with the badass pinheads up there! Every thursday night they host pinball tournaments at The Myriad.
Check em out and go play $$:https://www.facebook.com/
groups/TheMyriadPinball/ Thank you to Russ Sweetser and Shannon Bullard Sweetser for hosting such a fun party. AND sorry the south ran away with your milk money! 😂
A few other video notes:
Exit Reality has a dope VIRTUAL REALITY booth up at this bar, check em out!Stern Pinball always has the best pins for on-location tournament play!
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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