Welcome to the eleventh season of the
Jersey Pinball Association PinGolf Tournament.
Today marks the start of the 11th season of the Jersey Pinball Association season long tournament. Once again, players will attempt to use the least amount of Pin-Strokes as possible over 5 games to make the three-person Final Round at the end of the season.
Announcement: Some of the PinGolf target scores have been adjusted based on last season’s results.
Here are the rankings of how difficult the games and target scores were last season.
Easiest: Spider-man
- Spider-man
- Monster Bash
- No Good Gofers
- X-Men
- Banzai Run
- Attack from Mars
- Addams Family
- Lord of the Rings
- Shadow
Most difficult: AC/DC
I have raised the target scores on the three easiest games and lowered the target scores for the three most difficult games. Go to the PinGolf page at http://pingolf.org to see the new target scores.
The JPA PinGolf Tournament is WPPR certified!
All players who participate will receive
World Pinball Ranking Points based on how well they finish.
You can be ranked among the best pinball players in the world!
SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.
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