
Madison, Wis. — Gamers are putting down their controllers and enjoying a blast from the past this weekend. On Saturday, Madison is playing host to the 3rd annual State Pinball Tournament.

Sixteen competitors have spent the last year accumulating points to qualify. The winner will advance to the national competition in Las Vegas in March.

Source: Jackpot! State Pinball contest to be held in Madison



“I play at home sporadically, and play religiously at The Sanctum,” where members meet on Monday nights to practice games in preparation for league tournaments — like Blackjack, Globetrotters, and Rack ’EM Up, or Rocky and Bullwinkle, Flash Gordon, and Joker Poker, according to Jim Swain, co-founder of The Sanctum.

In the past, members would play at businesses or people’s homes, according to Swain. Two years ago, the group found its Meriden location and, most recently, doubled its size to more than 2,000 square feet at the centralized location.

Source: Pinball championship to offer full-tilt action for Middletown man

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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