It’s the newest episode of PAPA.TV!

Featuring: The Wizard of Oz, Faces and The Addams Family inspired by FarSight Studios’ Kickstarter effort.

Also starring: Too many great people for me to list here. It’s that good. Sure, you could say I am being lazy by not listing them. You could say that. Or, you could just watch it and see for yourself.

Things I learned from this video:

A triple negative may or may not be a positive.

You are not dead until you are truly dead.

Pinball sound effects can cause nightmares.

The more you stack, the more points you rack.

Pinballers want answers, not question marks.

Watch live video from PAPAtvPinball on Twitch
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Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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