Legends of Valhalla owners: Download the newest update for the game at https://www.american-pinball.com/support/updates/ — the American Pinball website support section.
Among the additions and changes include:
- An enhancement to War on Land scoring – Battles played/legend kills add to all 3 war on land battles so the value of the feature scales upward with gameplay.
- Raiders enhancement – each collected raider adds 15K to each shot in sea multiballs. War At Sea / Viking Multiball scoring is now affected by the number of raiders you have currently.
- Weapons enhancement – each collected weapon adds 50K to each shot in a legend battle. Collecting more weapons boosts scoring for all Legend Battle shots.
More in the changelog:
add: Rage Champion
add: Viking Raid Champion
add: player stat Legend kills (internal tracking)
add: Ragnarok – At the start of Ragnarok, award Legend kills
– Award 5,000,000 for each Legend killed (bonus battles)
– Award 15,650,000 for each Legend killed with no battle timers enabled
add: Ragnarok – If you complete Ragnarok, all legends wail in a sequence as balls return and final score is posted
add: Sea multiball tally and legend battle tally – show both when all balls drain during stack
add: Service menu option [Standard], [Dump ship at power on] – if disabled balls present in ship are dumped when start button pressed
add: Service menu option [Features], [Play Idle Reminders] – can disable ball in shooter lane reminders
add: Raiders enhancement – each collected raider adds 15K to each shot in sea multiballs.
add: Weapons enhancement – each collected weapon adds 50K to each shot in a legend battle.
add: Expanded help at ball start for new players. cycles various instuction.
change: ALFHEIM combo awards 2x combo value (Left Ramp>Center ramp>Spinner>upper right orbit)
change: ASGARD combo awards 3x combo value (Left Ramp>Center ramp>Spinner>right ramp)
change: Battle Select screen – improve help text
change: Battle timers – freeze when starting a sea multiball
change: Combos Fire Thors Hammer – if enabled, is disabled during legend battles and sea multiballs
change: God of Thunder insert requires just one set of top rollovers (instead of 2)
change: Rampage – qualified insert turn off when selecting battles
change: Rampage – allow up to 2 balls locked in ship during RAMPAGE
change: Rampage – added “That was terrible” chiding callout for < 1,000,000 and adjust other ranges
change: Rampage – allow Thor’s Hammer and Valkyrie helmet to restore Rampage timer
change: Service menu option [Features],[Combos Fire Thors Hammer] = Enabled at factory (was Disabled)
change: Service menu option [Features],[Pulse Kraken Magnet at Ship Exit] = Enabled at factory (was Disabled)
change: Thor – remove the hammer from display during this battle
change: Valkyries – extended combos out to 100 (previously 25) to earn more valkyries per game
change: Viking Raid – reset ship locks/targets after Raid
change: Viking Multiball/Legend battle stacked insert lighting enhanced:
– for Viking MB JPs with remaining battle shot, battle shot color and Viking MB jackpot color will alternate
change: War at Sea/Legend battle stacked insert lighting enhanced:
– for War at Sea JPs with remaining battle shot, battle shot color and War at sea jackpot color will alternate
– for Loki battle only, battle shot and war at sea jackpot will blink twice as fast
change: War of the Clans – allow up to 2 balls locked in ship during War of the Clans
change: War on Land – scoring enhanced. Battles played/legend kills add to all 3 war on land battles.
change: War on Land – when locks enabled, right ramp insert blinks purple. 2 balls in ship, right ramp insert off.
change: War on Land – added “That was terrible” chiding callout for < minimum scores in each battle
fix: Balder – shooterlane shot was not blinking at start
fix: Bonus battle – mystery_qualified insert should be off until battle is over
fix: Combos Fire Thors Hammer – restore outer loop lights when non-battle ends and combo fire is active
fix: Combos Fire Thors Hammer – when activated prevented Sword collection
fix: DeargDue/Sea multiball stack – turn off scoop lites when DeargDue times out
fix: Double flip battle select – sometimes caused timer to speed up during a legend battle
fix: Escape the kraken and Rampage – could continue running after TILT/nextball
fix: Grendel – reset ball locks at end of battle to ensure proper ball tracking
fix: Grendel – turn off spinner insert if still active at end of battle
fix: Grendel/Sea multiball stack – locking issue side targets after Kraken defeated
fix: Jormungandr – final shot extinguish the shooter lane and light the orbits
fix: Leanan Sidhe – Battle timers disabled & no shots made end of ball would leave message onscreen
fix: Leanan Sidhe – Battle timers disabled would cause the battle to automatically end
fix: Leanan Sidhe and Fossegrimen – turn off scoop arrow during battle
fix: Loki – level 5 right ramp insert was not lit as valid shot
fix: MIDGARD combo – display post combo arrows (right ramp and upper right orbit)
fix: NIDAVELLIR combo – left orbit > spinner > right ramp
fix: Rage – adjust current player state qualify to prevent next player rage
fix: Rage – corrected pending launch of rapidly draining balls ending mode prematurely
fix: Rage – disallow Rage autostart after tilt if Rage was qualified
fix: Rage – music error when started at the same time as a bonus battle
fix: Ragnarok – final score sometimes was not tabulated properly
fix: Rampage – Thors hammer charged at exactly 100% during rampage would not award the hammer
fix: Thors Hammer Text – clean up “fully charged” text if battle in progress
fix: Tilt – during end of ball/bonus could cause next ball to autoplunge
fix: Tyr/Sea Multiballs – completing Tyr while sea MB in progress resulted in standups still blinking
fix: Valhalla – do not allow starting during multiball
fix: Valhalla – re-enable Thors Hammer at end if charged up during Valhalla
fix: Valhalla – reset shiplocks/lighting at end if balls locked before Valhalla
fix: Victory laps – disallow if called at the same time single ball in play happens
fix: War of the Clans – started as ball is draining didn’t close out properly
fix: Weapons – insert would blink briefly if qualified during bonus countdown
fix: Weapons – Spear would not collect under certain condition
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