
A-B-C: Always Be Ca$hing!


On TRON Legacy, every successfully GEM shot gives you a bonus multiplier. Every single one. So, if you find that you have been owning the GEM shot during a particular ball, don’t dare tilt. If you suddenly realize you’ve been playing a particular ball for a long while, you have probably visited the GEM shot a quite a few times without realizing it.

GEM is arguably the most difficult shot in the game. It would be a shame if you weren’t rewarded for your hard work.

Dead Flip cashes in on a TRON Legacy live stream

Watch live video from Dead_Flip on Twitch
Cryss Stephens cashes in on TRON Legacy at the 1up in Colorado.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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