It’s the IFPA Chicago State Championships with Joshua Henderson vs. Dave Hegge. It a best-of-7 series which goes to six games.

TRON: Legacy (always awesome)

Transformers (with notable double-danger slide save at 17:05 in the video)

Old Chicago (with a 100,000 point roll over ball)

F14 Tomcat (flying around at the speed of sound) (#SonicThe Hedgehog)

AC/DC Premium (with Highway to Hell and HTH multiplier fixes)

Eight Ball (with general failure and lack of reason to live)

Commentary by Adam Lefkoff and Mark Steinman.

By the way, here’s another Josh (Sharpe) with another slide save. This time on Congo at the Louisville Arcade Expo:

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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