
Click here to view the Jack*Bot tutorial by PAPA

Joker! Joker!! And a Triple!!!

Bowen Kerins and PAPA are back with another detailed tutorial on Jack*Bot, the Joker’s Wild of the pinball world. Bowen travels through one complete lap of the entire game showing almost everything there is to see. Jack*Bot is a game that demands control, flipper skills, accuracy, decision making, and calmness under pressure.

The only thing that isn’t shown is what might happen if you hold both flippers during the Casino Run bonus round. While you are spinning for money and prizes and trying to avoid the devil– I mean the bomb, some other strange symbols might just show up for you.

Back in the day, a certain fighting game made by Midway might have told you to hold both flippers during Casino run. Look carefully at the reels during the Casino Run round as you view this video. Do you see it? Also doing this might cause a cow to show up on the reels because reasons.


Come on, JOKERS! View the Jack*Bot tutorial here.


More Jack*Bot fun!

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The greatest match of Jack*Bot ever.

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