
The title says too much, but watch the video anyway. This is how you beat down an Iron Man pinball machine.

Video by: Georgia Pinball

Did you watch the video? OK. When I saw double scoring activate, I was standing up waiting to see if 2X do or die + 4X jericho was going to happen. Too bad the Iron Man Double Scoring timer kept counting down during the Jericho animation. What’s up with THAT?! Software update PLZ! (just kidding.)

Also, I didn’t realize there was a setting to keep Jericho going on your next ball if you happen to lose the current one. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, you get to continue to play the exciting Jericho mode full of big points, and big explosions everywhere. However, the pressure is gone to do the Jericho mode on one ball, and you are locked out from continuing the game until Jericho is completed.

What a powerful game! Well done!

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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