

Two hours of coverage on the recent happenings in the world of pinball. They needed only 2 hours. How did that happen?

Timeline from Pinheadz:

00:00:00 INTRO

00:05:25 Welcome to Pinheadz 21…GAZ’s Game Room Update

00:14:30 STERN reveal BATMAN 66 PINBALL


01:00:30 JERSEY JACK PINBALL reveal Pat Lawlor’s comeback game DIALED IN

01:24:15 Pinheadz roadtrip to NEWCASTLE PINFEST 2016, Stevie’s new pins & Rod’s departed ones.

01:49:57 Why Aerosmith deserve the pinball machine that will be announced in 2017

02:01:03 Former Williams Software Engineer Duncan Brown’s quest to save the lost playfield designs of Harry Williams.

02:03:35 Rod’s in on the Kickstarter for “30 Years Of Stern”…the coffee table book.

02:07:00 Farewell…Happy Flipping!

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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